
“Right now, we know that if somebody is here on campus with a gun, it’s a good guy. But what are we going to do in the future if they allow guns on campus? How are we supposed to separate them out?” asks Beary. “Look at the position you’re putting our officers into of having to, in a split-second, figure out the good guys from the bad guys.”

-- Richard Beary, chief of police at the University of Central Florida and immediate past president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

Between 2001 and 2013, the overall number of crimes reported by post-secondary institutions decreased by 34 percent, from 41,600 to 27,600, according to a report recently published by the National Center for Education Statistics. Despite this downward trend, it seems that student fears about crime, and mass shootings in particular, have never been higher. This has led many states in recent years to pass legislation allowing students and faculty members with concealed carry permits to bring their weapons onto campus, usually in the face of fierce opposition from the schools themselves.

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