By Rebecca Camber Crime Correspondent For The Daily Mail

The country’s first ‘private police force’ is investigating hundreds of crimes that regular officers are too busy to look at.

A firm led by former Scotland Yard senior officers has successfully prosecuted more than 400 criminals and is now carrying out murder inquiries.

TM Eye, which has a 100 per cent conviction rate, is thought to bring more private prosecutions than any organisation besides the RSPCA.

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The company, the country’s first de-facto private police force, is operating against a backdrop of rising crime rates and police budget cuts. Its activities include:

  • A service called ‘My Local Bobby’ costing wealthy households up to £200 a month each for guards to patrol their streets;
  • Three high-profile murder investigations that police have been unable to complete, including one case dogged by allegations of corruption and cover-up;
  • Help in cases of rape, missing persons, burglary, theft, stalking and blackmail.

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Co-founder Tony Nash, an ex-Metropolitan Police commander, said: ‘This is going back to Dixon of Dock Green to a degree. It’s what people want.

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